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A social action oriented web site featuring 3 award winning documentary films by Ellen Bruno on human rights issues in Cambodia, Tibet and Burma. Filmmaker and international relief worker Ellen Bruno has spent much of the last 20 years in southeast Asia. Bruno began her relief efforts more than 25 years ago in Mexico, working in remote Mayan villages. Since then she worked in refugee camps on the Thai-Cambodian border, as field coordinator for the International Rescue Committee, she served for four years as director of the Cambodian Women's Project for the American Friends Service Committee. She has been a hospice worker for the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco, providing bedside assistance for people dying of AIDS and cancer. Ellen was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1998, a Rockefeller Fellowship in 1997, fellowships from the Western States Media Arts and a Shenkin Fellowship from Yale University School of Art.

Sky Burial

Sky Burial

Sky Burial follows the ritual of "jha-tor", the giving of alms to birds in a northern Tibetan monastery - where the bodies of the dead are offered to the vultures as a final act of kindness to living beings. At the Drigung Monastery lamas chant to ca..